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Augusta® Lavender Heliotrope Heliotropium hybrid

Flower Season
  • Spring
  • Summer
Mature Size
2' 3' 61cm 91cm
Height: 12" - 2'
Spread: 2' - 3'
Height: 30cm - 61cm
Spread: 61cm - 91cm
Award Winner
  • 12 - 24 Inches
    12 - 20 Inches
    24 - 36 Inches
    30cm - 61cm
    30cm - 51cm
    61cm - 91cm


    Once you try it, you'll be devoted to this Heliotrope. Let's start with the fact that it is simply a beautiful plant. That alone is enough to be enamored with it. However, it pairs that classic beauty with unexpected toughness. It is extremely heat and humidity tolerant, which means both the deep south and far north can be successful with this plant. The habit is somewhat upright, which creates a mound when planted in the landscape and it will flower over the pot edge when planted in containers. It will be a great component plant for combination recipes. Note: like many heliotropes, this plant is toxic if ingested. 

    Award Winner
    Continuous Bloom or Rebloomer
    Long Blooming
    Heat Tolerant
    Deadheading Not Necessary


    Plant Type: 
    Height Category: 
    Garden Height: 
    12 - 24 Inches 30cm - 61cm
    12 - 20 Inches 30cm - 51cm
    24 - 36 Inches 61cm - 91cm
    Flower Colors: 
    Flower Shade: 
    Lavender with a Yellow Eye
    Foliage Colors: 
    Foliage Shade: 
    Container Role: 

    Plant Needs

    Light Requirement: 
    Part Sun to Sun

    The optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours).

    Maintenance Category: 
    Bloom Time: 
    Planting To Frost
    Hardiness Zones: 
    8a, 8b, 9a, 9b, 10a, 10b, 11a, 11b
    Water Category: 
    Border Plant
    Cut Flower
    Mass Planting
    Uses Notes: 

    This lovely mounded plant will add a soft presence in your landscape beds, while also looking great by itself in patio planters. It is also a wonderful filler for large combination recipes. This is not a petite plant.

    Maintenance Notes: 

    Use in sunny landscaps or containers. This easy care annual will benefit from a dose of controlled release fertilizer at the time of planting in the landscape. This dose of fertilizer will likely be sufficient for the summer season in most landscape plantings. If you are in a very long summer climate, an additional application several months into the season can be helpful.  

    When planting in containers an application of controlled release plant food at planting is also recommended. However, in pots this fertilizer application won't last as long as it does in landscapes. An additional controlled release fertilizer application after 2 to 3 months will help the plant maintain vigor and new growth. Regular applications of water soluble fertilzer is also a good option to take the place of the second controlled release plant food application.

    If the plant begins to look a bit open or tired, an overall trim can help tidy it and will encourage new growth and branching.  Trim lightly if needed, taking no more than 1/4 of the plant. Following the trim with an application of water soluble fertilizer will provide instant energy to help your plant kickstart new growth, branching and flowering. You may sacrifice flowers for a week or so, but the improvement in habit and additional branching will result in even better flower coverage going forward for the rest of the season.


    Many Heliotropes are mildly toxic to humans and furry friends. Ingesting substantial amounts of this plant will be harmful.

    Augusta® Lavender Heliotropium hybrid 'WNHPAULAV' USPP 34,004, Can PBRAF
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