Early Spring through Fall Finish. Standard PPP.
For all sizes of containers, pinch the liner 1–2 weeks after transplant; for containers larger than 6” and for hanging baskets, trim around the edge of the container as needed prior to spacing or hanging of the baskets.
10-15 ppm Sumagic spray or 1-3 ppm Bonzi drench are effective at controlling growth. Apply as needed. Supertunia Minis may require higher rates of PGRs. Cold temperatures will also effectively control growth. -Supertunia Black Cherry is more susceptible to flower damage from chemical applications late in the crop cycle.
Good sanitation practices include keeping greenhouses clean at all times, eliminating weeds and debris, disinfecting equipment in greenhouses as often as possible and keeping hose ends off of the greenhouse floor. Good water management practices are critical for good, healthy plant growth.
-Requires high light in production. -Needs 250+ ppm fertilizer. -Watch pH and EC levels. -Mini Strawberry Pink Veined, all veined varieties and Bordeaux are more sensitive to cold. Keep above 50 F. -Cold temperatures also control growth. -Yellow growth tips often indicate iron deficiency caused by high soil pH. -Do not bring Supertunia petunias in too early as they finish quickly. -Many common problems with Supertunia can be avoided if proper crop timing and the appropriate environment are provided. -Supertunia Black Cherry is more susceptible to flower damage from chemical applications late in the crop cycle. -Cooler growing temperatures, high light levels, proper spacing and drier growing practices can be very helpful in managing plant size.
Award Year | Award | Plant Trial |
2012 | Top Performer | Mississippi State University - Crystal Springs |
2012 | Plant of Distinction | University of Georgia |
2012 | Top Performer | University of Georgia |
2012 | Top Performer | Colorado State University |
2012 | Top Performer | Massachusetts Horticultural Society at Elm Bank |
2012 | Consumer Choice | University of Florida - Fort Lauderdale |
2012 | Top Performer | University of Minnesota - Morris |
2012 | Top Performer | Oklahoma State University Botanical Gardens |
2009 | Best Varieties | Penn State University |
2009 | Best Varieties | Penn State University |