Early Spring through Fall Finish. 4" to 1 gallon pots: 1 PPP. 10-12" pots 3 PPP.
No pinching or growth regulators needed.
General pest and disease practices as listed in notes. Preventative sprays to control Botrytis may be necessary under cold, wet, low-light conditions.
Grower Tips for Grower Tips for Dolce
-For best foliage coloration, avoid scorching light. Very high light can scorch foliage.
-Light shade is essential for optimal growth.
-B-9 at 2,500 ppm will help keep Amethyst Myst petioles short under low light conditions.
-To reduce or avoid bacterial leaf spotting use a copper based spray bi-monthly.
-Finished spring plants can be moved outside to take advantage of cool temperatures for holding purposes only.
Award Year | Award | Plant Trial |
2022 | Top Performer | Penn State University |
2020 | Top Performer | Penn State University |