Falling Arrows® Cupid's Quiver Arrowhead Vine Syngonium podophyllum
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- Low
- Medium
12 - 72 Inches0 -0 -30cm - 1.8m0cm0cmFeatures
You’ll be lovestruck by ‘Cupid’s Quiver’! This Syngonium has arrowhead-shaped leaves of light-green-to-pink atop green stems–each one resembling Cupid’s love arrows. As ‘Cupid’s Quiver’ matures, it will fill out with more “arrows” and eventually develop a vining habit. Let it trail or keep it trimmed and bushy.
Adaptable As HouseplantFoliage InterestHarmful To:PetsCharacteristics
Plant Type:HouseplantHeight Category:TallHeight:12 - 72 Inches 30cm - 1.8mTrails Up To:72 Inches 1.8mFoliage Colors:GreenFoliage Colors:PinkFoliage Shade:Pink leaves with a greenish undersideHabit:MoundedContainer Role:FillerPlant Needs
Light Requirement:LowLight Requirement:MediumLow - No direct sun, not near a window. Medium - Medium bright indirect light in the AM or PM, typically from an east or west window. High - Bright direct or indirect light for much of the day, typically from a south window.
Maintenance Category:EasyPreferred Temperature:60 - 85 °FWater Category:AverageHumidity Preference:MediumContainer Soil Type:Indoor Potting MixNeeds Good DrainageSoil Fertility Requirement:Average SoilUses:DesktopsUses:Humid SpacesUses:Low Light SpacesUses Notes:Not for human or animal consumption.
Maintenance Notes:- For optimal performance, keep your Arrowhead Vine at 60-85°F (15-29°C).
- Arrowhead Vines prefer medium to bright, indirect light, but can tolerate a range of lighting conditions. If you notice burning leaf edges, move your Arrowhead Vine away from direct sunlight. Arrowhead Vines may tolerate lower light conditions, however, they will grow slower.
- Although not fussy about humidity, Arrowhead Vines do prefer humidity around 40% or higher.
- Arrowhead Vines will eventually develop a vining habit. You can trim yours back for a more compact look or allow it to trail.
- Arrowhead Vines prefer consistent moisture, but they do not like wet, soggy soil. As such, water your Arrowhead Vine thoroughly when the top inch of soil feels dry.
- Feed your Arrowhead Vine once per month at half strength when it is actively growing. Reduce frequency of fertilization in the winter months. If no new leaves are growing, it does not need to be fertilized.
- Protect furniture when watering & fertilizing.
- When repotting your Arrowhead Vine, use an all-purpose potting mix, with perlite and orchid bark added to ensure good drainage & plenty of nutrients.
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