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Tuff Stuff Ah-Ha® Reblooming Mountain Hydrangea Hydrangea serrata

Flower Season
  • Summer
  • Fall
Mature Size
3' 3' 91cm 91cm
Height: 2' - 3'
Spread: 2' - 3'
Height: 61cm - 91cm
Spread: 61cm - 91cm
  • 24 - 36 Inches
    24 - 36 Inches
    24 - 36 Inches
    61cm - 91cm
    61cm - 91cm
    61cm - 91cm


    When it comes to blooming, Tuff Stuff Ah-Ha® hydrangea can't stop, won't stop! 

    At first glance, it would appear that we decided to introduce this beautiful mountain hydrangea solely for its waterlily-like double florets. But that's only part of the story - it's also a prolific rebloomer. All summer long, it devotes its energies to creating flower buds on its new growth so that you have a constant supply of fabulous blooms from early summer through frost. Tuff Stuff Ah-Ha® hydrangea will bloom pink or blue, depending on soil chemistry. 

    Tuff Stuff Ah-Ha hydrangea is featured in our "Power Puff Girl" magazine ad.

    Top reasons to grow Tuff Stuff Ah-Ha hydrangea:

    • Creates new flower buds all summer long.
    • Double florets look like pink or blue waterlilies.
    • Flower buds are more cold-tolerant, which ensures good blooming even in USDA zones 5 and 6.
    Continuous Bloom or Rebloomer


    Plant Type: 
    Shrub Type: 
    Height Category: 
    Garden Height: 
    24 - 36 Inches 61cm - 91cm
    24 - 36 Inches 61cm - 91cm
    24 - 36 Inches 61cm - 91cm
    Flower Colors: 
    Flower Colors: 
    Flower Shade: 
    Pink or Blue
    Foliage Colors: 
    Foliage Shade: 
    Container Role: 

    Plant Needs

    Light Requirement: 
    Part Sun to Sun
    Light Requirement: 

    The optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours).

    Maintenance Category: 
    Blooms On: 
    New Wood
    Blooms On: 
    Old Wood
    Bloom Time: 
    Summer through Fall
    Hardiness Zones: 
    5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b
    Water Category: 
    Border Plant
    Cut Flower
    Edging Plant
    Mass Planting
    Specimen or Focal Point
    Uses Notes: 

    Tuff Stuff Ah-Ha hydrangea works in many landscape applications. We recommend a minimum of 4 hours of sun each day for best flowering and color. In hot climates, shade during the hottest part of the day is imperative.

    Maintenance Notes: 

    Tuff Stuff Ah-Ha hydrangea does not need pruning except to remove any dead wood in early spring. You should not cut back or trim this plant at any time of the year, as doing so will remove flower buds. Hydrangeas are shallow-rooted and benefit from a 2-3" layer of shredded bark mulch. If you wish, you may fertilize in early spring, once the ground has thawed, with a granular fertilizer formulated for woody plants, like a rose fertilizer. 

    This plant does not require deadheading, though if you wish to remove spent flowers, you may - we made a video showing how to do this.

    Learn all about lacecap hydrangeas in our complete guide. 

    Fun Facts: 

    Mountain hydrangeas, Hydrangea serrata, are native to the same areas of Japan as big-leaf hydrangea, Hydrangea macrophylla. However, big-leaf hydrangeas grow along the mild coast while mountain hydrangeas grow up in the mountains. As a result, they have naturally developed flower buds that are more tolerant to cold conditions than big-leaf hydrangeas, so they bloom more reliably in USDA zones 5 and 6.

    Tuff Stuff Ah-Ha® Hydrangea serrata 'SMNHSDD' USPP 29,832, Can 6,515
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