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B,C (5.8 - 6.5)
B,C (0.6 - 1.3)
Low (100 - 150 ppm)
Moderate to Moist
C (65 - 72º Fahrenheit)
B,C,4 (65 - 75º Fahrenheit)
A (40 - 50º Fahrenheit)

Late Spring to Fall Sales. Standard PPP.

Starting Materials: 
4-5" and Quart Pot : 4-8
6" and Gallon Pot : 6-9
7-9" Pot : 8-10
10-12" and Two Gallon Pot : 9-11

No pinching or growth regulators needed. Plants can be trimmed back to control height and increase bushiness. Do not trim back more than 1/2 the height of the plant at any one time.

Plants grown outside should not need growth regulators.

If growth regulation is needed on 'Desert Plains,' Bonzi is effective.

Burgundy Bunny and does not need growth regulators.

General pest and disease practices as listed in notes. Scout for spider mites and treat as necessary.

Grower Tips: 

-'Desert Plains' flowers later than Hameln and the seed heads are larger and showier. Due to the later flowering, reseeding is less problematic.
-It can be grown and sold for foliage for Late Spring through Mid Summer and will be flowering for Late Summer and Fall sales.

-Avoid planting too high or too deeply as either can cause problems. Plant even with the liner.

-'Desert Plains' is best suited for gallon or larger production.
-Burgundy Bunny is best suited for 4.5" to gallon production.

-Vernalization is required for flowering, however, the plants are often grown as foliage plants in which case vernalization can be skipped.

Last to move outside
Cold Required
Photoperiod for Flowering: 
Long Days Required
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