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How to Grow the 2025 Annual of the Year – Supertunia Mini Vista® Yellow Petunia

From cheerful containers to sun-drenched borders begging for blankets of blooms, Supertunia Mini Vista Yellow petunia delivers in a big way. Learn how to grow this plant like a pro and what to pair it with in your garden.

Contributors: Susan Martin

Meet the Proven Winners 2025 Annual of the Year: Supertunia Mini Vista® Yellow petunia!



From cheerful containers to sun-drenched borders begging for blankets of blooms, Supertunia Mini Vista® Yellow petunia delivers in a big way. You may
already have met some of our other popular Supertunia Mini Vista varieties, and you’ll be happy to know you can expect the same outstanding garden
performance from this newest award winner.
This petunia’s flowers are so prolific that they almost completely bury the densely mounded foliage. And since the plants don’t produce seeds, they
bloom non-stop from spring to frost without having to spend your summer picking off the spent blossoms. Couple that with good heat tolerance and anoverall low-maintenance vibe and you have a plant capable of captivating an audience.
Key Features of Supertunia Mini Vista Yellow Petunia:
  • Masses of citron yellow, self-cleaning, small flowers all season
  • Versatile in containers and landscapes
  • One of the most vigorous mini petunias you can grow
  • Thrives in both warm and cool weather
  • Blooms best in 6+ hours of sun
  • Grows 6-12” tall, spreads 18-24”

Where to Grow Supertunia Mini Vista Yellow Petunia 

Designed to grow beautifully in containers and landscapes, there are multiple places where you can plant this cheerful petunia in your garden.

In the Landscape – Plant as a colorful edging for a flower bed, mass plant to fill space and keep out weeds, or grow as an underplanting for small trees. Unlike full-sized Supertunia Vista® petunias, its tighter shape will prevent it from taking over your sidewalk. Space plants 12-18” apart when planting in the ground. Learn more about the landscape makeover project pictured above.

In Hanging Baskets – Mix with other vigorous mounding and trailing plants like Luscious® lantana and Superbells® calibrachoa as shown in our Tangerine Dream recipe. Intertwine the stems among its companions as they grow longer.



In Upright Containers - Expect this petunia to act as a mounded filler plant at first, then trail up to 24” over the sides of the container or window box as the season progresses. You’ll likely find it prefers to occupy its own space in the container as it does in this recipe named Brushstrokes.


How to Grow Supertunia Mini Vista Yellow Petunia

Sunlight, water and plant food are the three main things that Supertunia Mini Vista Yellow needs to thrive all season long. Follow the tips below and they will repay you with a full season of spectacular flowers.



  • Supertunia Mini Vista Yellow petunia grows best in full sun, but will still bloom if it receives part sun, especially in warm climates.
  • If you are feeding and watering your plants well but they aren’t full of blooms, move them to a sunnier spot. If that is not the problem, you may have the dreaded petunia budworm. Read more about that here.



  • Supertunias grow best with consistent moisture meaning evenly moist - not wet or dry - soil. Plants growing in the ground and in heavier upright containers tend to dry out more slowly than plants in hanging baskets. That means they may not need to be watered quite as often as your hanging baskets.
  • To figure out if it is time to water, stick your finger down in the soil up to your first knuckle. If the soil sticks to your finger, it is moist enough to make it through the day without watering. If not, it’s time to water.
  • Never let the petunias in your containers dry out to the point where the plants wilt. That may mean they need to be watered anywhere from every other day to more than once per day, especially as the summer’s heat sets in, depending on your growing conditions.
  • If you don’t have much time to water or if you tend to travel in the summertime, consider investing in self-watering AquaPots® or AquaPots Inserts or hooking your containers up to a WaterWise® drip irrigation kit. Both options will save time and water and are very simple to use.


Plant Food

  • At planting time, whether growing your petunias in containers or in the ground, mix a bit of continuous release plant food into the soil before you add the plants. Follow the package instructions to know how much to use. This will ensure a small amount of food is available to the plants’ roots over the season. Think of it like “insurance” for your plants. If you live where the growing season is very long, a second application of continuous release plant food in midsummer can be beneficial.
  • Every third time you water your petunias growing in containers, include a bit of water soluble plant food in the water. Follow the package instructions to know how much to use. If you mixed continuous release plant food in the soil when you planted your petunias in the ground, they shouldn’t need to be fed as often with water soluble plant food.
  • What does feeding every third time mean? If you water every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, then you’ll feed your plants every Friday. If you water your plants more than once a day, every third time you get out the watering can, add some water soluble plant food to the water. During the heat of summer when you are watering more often, your plants are growing faster and need more food to keep up. Feeding petunias is like feeding kids—not so much when they are toddlers but they’ll eat you out of house and home when they are teenagers.
  • We recommend using Proven Winners water soluble and continuous release plant foods because they are specially formulated with micronutrients and EDDHA iron to help our plants grow bigger, stronger and bear more flowers.



  • One of the biggest advantages of Supertunia Mini Vista Yellow and all other Supertunias is that, unlike seed-grown petunias, they naturally bloom all season without the need to remove the spent flowers. You might have heard this described as “no deadheading required”.
  • By midsummer, your plants should be nice and full, and the flowers should start to trail over the sides of the pot or spread out in your landscape. To extend their life into fall, this is a good time to trim the plants back. Giving them a “haircut”, taking care not to remove more than 20% of the plant at once, will cause them to bounce back with renewed vigor and you’ll have a fuller container as a result.
  • It is perfectly OK to trim your plants back once per month between midsummer and fall. You know how good it feels to get a haircut? Plants love that feeling too, and they respond by growing new branches filled with flowers.



What to Grow with Supertunia Mini Vista Yellow Petunia

Since this is a particularly vigorous mini petunia, take care not to pair it with slow-growing or small plants or it may overtake them. Other annuals that pair perfectly with Supertunia Mini Vista Yellow petunia in containers and landscapes include:

Go further with these resources:

  • WATCH: Watch what Laura of Garden Answer has to say about using Supertunia Mini Vista Yellow in her own garden. 

  • EXPLORE: Check out all the colors in the Supertunia Mini Vista® petunia series.

  • LEARN: Discover the differences between standard Supertunia petunias, Supertunia Vista petunias, Supertunia Mini Vista petunias and what pairs best with each type.
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