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Finding the Right Plant Articles

Showing 81 - 90 of 128.
Wabi-Sabi Viburnum plicatum tomentosum

Groundcover plants are a great answer to some of the most problematic garden and landscape conundrums. From uneven terrain, to places where you just can’t get other varieties to thrive, low growing groundcover shrubs are a great low-maintenance choice for small space gardening. These hard working plants can be used to dress up garden borders, as mass plantings in larger landscaping projects, and as natural tool to prevent erosion. Plus, because of their low growing characteristics, less weeding and mulching is required where these plants are sited.

Supporting pollinators ranks high among gardeners’ concerns and we agree—we all need to do what we can to provide a beneficial habitat, food and shelter for these critical creatures. Let’s take a look at ten perennials for bees and more you can grow to provide beauty and sustenance in your garden.

At Last™ Rose

Every year it’s the same… the snow melts and the rose bush in your garden that has been lying dormant all winter springs to life with the hope and promise of summer. You gently lie your soaker hose under it, and comment how lovely it is looking this year. It flirts with the unfurling of tender, green leaves, and soon colorful little buds are sprouting. You give it a sidelong glance…you think this time it will be different.

Invincibelle Limetta improved Annabelle hydrangea

I recently had the opportunity to speak to the Russian Nursery Stock Association at their annual conference in Moscow. This is the second time I have spoken at this conference and the attendees were once again eager to learn about new flowering shrubs that are hardy enough for Russian winters. 

Taller plants are essential for making our gardens really sing.  Vertical elements in gardens help stretch the garden into a another dimension and make for a more interesting, better balanced garden.

You should really grow up! Wait, let me put that a better way…you should really try vertical gardening. While it has become kind of a trendy concept in recent years, vertical gardening is about way more than those fashionable green walls you see everywhere. At its simplest, vertical gardening means that you’re using every available inch to create a special outdoor space where you can be surrounded by greenery, and it especially makes sense if you have limited space. Whether you have a balcony, patio, or small yard, or are just looking to make a retreat worthy of Instagram and Pinterest, these basic vertical gardening principles will help you get the most from your garden while minimizing effort and expense.


Native cultivars make up a large part of our flowering shrub catalog, from Aronia to Viburnum. Take an in-depth look at all of them in this comprehensive article featuring our best native shrubs.

Berry Poppins Ilex verticillata winterberry holly

Winter is an ideal time of year to plan for next season’s garden, and your best new idea might be closer than you think. Let’s explore where we can find inspiration that will help us dream up and plan next year’s garden.

Conifers are easy to enjoy any time of the year. These trouble-free evergreens offer year-round beauty and provide shelter for birds and other wildlife. Hedges of conifers are often planted to help block the wind. Here are a few of our favorites.

Showing 81 - 90 of 128.
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